7270 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $2,700.04B
24h Total Volume $353.81B

Colu Local Network Colu Local Network star

-0.0035 (-3.16%)

The CLN is a payment network that aims to utilize the power of cryptocurrencies to create an open, better, more transparent infrastructure for processing payments, that can offer a competitive alternative to credit card companies and closed-network payment providers. Simply put, the network will facilitate a better way to pay, get paid, and process payments while strengthening communities.

Market share 0.00%
Proof type
24h Open $0.11
24h Low $0.11
24h High $0.11
Price in BTC 0.00000139738363 BTC
Current Supply 0 CLN
Total Supply 1,540,701,312 CLN
Market cap $0
24h Volume (coin) 0 CLN
24h Volume (currency) $0
24h Total volume (coin) 0 CLN
24h Total volume (currency) $0.00000000
Last updated 2024-09-30 11:01:03 +01:00 BST
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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